Ineligible for Refinancing Just Because You're Underwater on Your ...
Feb 1, 2012 . The central part of that plan is a new program for so-called underwater borrowers that would allow them to refinance at lower interest rates, .
Step 1
Jeff Merkley's Plan For Underwater Homeowners
Jul 25, 2012 . The problem here is that the way a mortgage works is that a bank agrees to . Then the new entity will offer each underwater homeowner one of .
The new housing-relief plan: Underwater rescue | The Economist
The new housing-relief plan. Underwater rescue. A plan to ease mortgage refinancing will have modest benefits, at best. Oct 29th 2011 | WASHINGTON, DC .
Step 2
Eminent domain plan gaining support - SFGate
Jul 31, 2012 . The controversial plan, developed by Mortgage Resolution Partners in San Francisco and in the . would buy up privately held mortgages that are underwater, reduce the amount owed, and transfer the mortgage to a new entity.
Step 3
Bank of America hopes underwater homeowners become renters to ...
Mar 23, 2012 . Bank of America hopes underwater homeowners will opt to become renters . month to upward of 1,000 customers in Arizona, New York and Nevada. . In the mortgage-to-lease plan, a borrower is expected to deed back his .
Step 4
FHA Offers New Refinancing Program For 'Underwater' Mortgage ...
A new program modifies the Making Home Affordable program and the FHA's own refinancing programs, allowing FHA lenders to offer FHA refinancing loans .
Step 5
California County Weighs Drastic Plan to Aid ... - The New York Times
Jul 14, 2012 . Monica Almeida/The New York Times . is considering an eminent domain plan on underwater homes that would lower mortgage payments.
Step 6
How to help underwater homeowners | Felix Salmon
Jul 25, 2012 . I'm a huge fan of Senator Jeff Merkley's new plan to help out the 8 million . on their mortgages but underwater and therefore unable to refinance.
3 New Ways to Get Real Help On Your Underwater Mortgage ...
Apr 9, 2012 . Bad news: Nearly 11 million mortgages are still underwater. . So let's break it down, program by program -- because this new assistance is .
Photo Credits
- property image by Christopher Hall from kenwood car vacuum cleaner